Bookkeeping increases profits, and profits change lives. So, pop some bubbles and let me show you how. 🥂

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Profits + Prosecco is a podcast centered on how bookkeeping changes lives by understanding & increasing profits.

This podcast is for business owners and bookkeepers alike.

Heavy on story telling, success tips, and simplicity, this podcast will be perfect to listen to on the morning commute you wish to escape!

I’m your host, Katie Ferro. CPA, reformed rule follower, corporate escapee, and mama to 3 little ones. I built my bookkeeping business to surpass my corporate tax manager salary working only the hours I used to commute and without relinquishing my stay at home mom crown.

Now, I maintain my bookkeeping business, while educating and empowering accountants & aspiring bookkeepers to build a bookkeeping business that supports their life, instead of keeping them from living it.

Here, success is not measured by your title, but by the quality of the life you live.