The Pep Talk Youā€™ve Been Needing for bookkeepers Jul 22, 2024



I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you've been looking for a pep talk, this is it. Whenever you are feeling discouraged, wrestling with your fears, or feeling as if you will never reach your goal, I want you to come back and read this:

Do I have to remind you of...

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How My Bookkeeping Programs Can Help You Overcome the Worst-Case Scenario for bookkeepers Jul 15, 2024



In the last episode of Profits + Prosecco (Episode 183!), we did a very powerful exercise where we talked about fears, their worst-case scenarios, and how to overcome them. If you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode, you definitely want to go back and...

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Overcoming the Fear of Failure for bookkeepers Jul 08, 2024



I’ve been getting a lot of DMs recently that focus on the fear of failure: when you want to try something new, but you're afraid of what will happen if you fail, or what other people will think if you fail.

These thoughts are totally normal. Trying something new...

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Why a Bookkeeping Business is the BEST Opportunity for Stay-at-Home Moms for bookkeepers Jul 01, 2024



If you're a stay-at-home mom looking to start a business that checks literally all of the boxes for what you need, then a bookkeeping business is probably the right one for you…and I have ten reasons why. Let’s jump right in.




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The Best Time to Start a Business (Spoiler: It Doesnā€™t Exist) for bookkeepers Jun 17, 2024



This morning, I took my last day of school pictures with my kids. Have you ever done that? I like to put the first day pictures next to their last day pictures, because it’s wild to see how much they’ve changed.

If I took a “first day” picture of...

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The Importance of Good Bookkeepers: A Conversation With Misa Bacon for bookkeepers Jun 10, 2024



I am so excited to welcome Misa Bacon from Perfectly Kept Books on to chat with us about the importance of bookkeeping!

We were having this conversation over DM, but I felt it was an important one to have, so I wanted to bring it here and share it with all of you.

We want...

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Bookkeepers vs. Chief Financial Officers: A Conversation with Adam Lean of the CFO Project for bookkeepers May 27, 2024



Today, we’re going to talk about what it means to be a CFO—a chief financial officer—and how the work differs from bookkeeping.

And to go over this topic, I’ve invited a guest to come on and chat with us today: Adam Lean, co-founder of The CFO...

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Your Self-Worth is Not Rooted in Your Work for bookkeepers May 20, 2024



Today, we're going to be talking about a topic near and dear to my heart: why your work is not your worth.

Again, your work is not your worth.

This conversation was inspired by the talk I had recently with Katie Fleming, where I brought up this American saying: “The...

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From LIBBY to Starting Your Own Bookkeeping Business: A Conversation with LIBBY Student Christy Steinman for bookkeepers libby Apr 22, 2024



I am so excited to have Christy Steinman, CPA and LIBBY graduate, here today to share her story with us!

Escaping your full-time job and starting your own business is not an easy journey, but it is entirely doable. Stories like Christy’s prove it. So if you think it...

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Exclusive BTS Audio of Life By The Books for bookkeepers libby Apr 15, 2024



It's been a while since I've focused on Life by the Books, and that wasn’t an accident. I've just started to really value BABs as a bookkeeping program as well, and I recognized that I may have been underestimating how important it is for everybody to get their...

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The Cost of Procrastination babs for bookkeepers libby Apr 08, 2024



I’m not going to lie: I'm ridiculously giddy about covering this topic, because I have a lot to say about the cost of procrastination.

The story starts with me ending up behind on podcast episodes. We’re on Episode 173 now, and after 173 episodes, it can be...

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What Do You Want? babs for bookkeepers libby Apr 01, 2024



Today’s topic is as simple as four words:

What do you want?



You Have Permission to Want

This question was spurred by a conversation I recently had with two of my best friends about something personal.

We were talking about someone we wanted...

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The Best Way to Get Bookkeeping Clients babs for bookkeepers libby tech Mar 18, 2024



Today, we're going to talk about the best way to get new clients.

This is a conversation that comes up all the time. It’s in my DMs. It's in my Facebook group. It’s even inside the LIBBY group!

Despite LIBBY giving my students a lot of different strategies to...

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Become a Bookkeeper Revamp Miniseries Part 5: the Why, the What, and the How! babs for bookkeepers Mar 11, 2024



Welcome to Part Five of the BABs revamp series!

Today, I’m going to talk about why I decided to revamp the Become a Bookkeeper program, as well as lay out some of the changes that we're going to be making.

You’ve all been so patient, and I am thrilled to...

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The Backstory of Become a Bookkeeper - Part 4: Student Testimonials babs for bookkeepers Mar 04, 2024



As you’ve probably heard by now, my team and I are hard at work revamping Become a Bookkeeper (BABs) which is my self-paced program that teaches or hones your technical skills of bookkeeping to help you get ready to build your own bookkeeping business.

This is part...

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The Backstory of Become a Bookkeeper - Part 3: Why is Xero My Preferred Bookkeeping Software? babs for bookkeepers Feb 26, 2024



Welcome to Part 3 of the Become a Bookkeeper (BABs) miniseries, where I’m walking you through my program that teaches the technical skill of bookkeeping so that you can ultimately turn it into a simple, scalable business that actually gives you time and financial...

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The Backstory of Become a Bookkeeper: Part 2 babs for bookkeepers Feb 19, 2024



Welcome to Part Two of the miniseries dedicated to Become a Bookkeeper, my program that teaches the technical skills of bookkeeping regardless of experience level!

Last time, I walked you through the backstory of Become a Bookkeeper, why I originally created it, and some...

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The Backstory of Become a Bookkeeper: Part 1 babs for bookkeepers Feb 12, 2024



Let's talk about BABs, baby.

This year, I am going to be revamping Become a Bookkeeper (BABs), my program that teaches the technical skill of bookkeeping for those who desire to start their own bookkeeping business.

To explain what led to this revamp, I'm going to be...

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Status Update: An Overview of What Changed in My Life + My Bookkeeping Business in 2023 for bookkeepers for business owners Jan 29, 2024



I’ll be honest with you, friends…

I am stressed out.

That’s unusual for me, especially since I started my bookkeeping business. I don’t think I’ve been this stressed in a December-January period before, and there are a few reasons for...

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3 Things to Stop Doing IMMEDIATELY in Your Bookkeeping Business bookkeeping clients for bookkeepers Jan 22, 2024



I want to start this out with a simple equation that my fellow left-brained geeks will love:

Making more does not equal doing more.

A wild concept, right? As a rule-following, Type A, hard-working, task-oriented, people-pleasing hustler, I know that this concept doesn't...

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Boost Your Bookkeeping Income Beyond Just Monthly Services with the Cashflow Catalyst Masterclass! for bookkeepers Jan 15, 2024



If you’ve been following my platform for a long time, you'll notice that a strong theme with me is the power of monthly recurring perpetual income in a bookkeeping business.

I want to preface today’s message by saying that I'm not deterring from that. Monthly...

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Year-End Best Practices for Bookkeepers for bookkeepers Jan 01, 2024



Happy New Year, friends!

Today, I want to go over one of the most important practices you should incorporate into your bookkeeping business to wrap up a successful year: the year-end review.

I’ve talked about this a bit before, but it’s a new year, and...

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11 Qualities You Need to Be a Bookkeeperā€¦and 1 You Donā€™t babs for bookkeepers Dec 18, 2023



In case you missed it, I was recently interviewed by Tara Armstrong on her show, The Lemonade Stand!  We talked about a few really interesting and valuable topics, but for today, I want to focus on two particular questions she asked me…

What qualities you need...

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20 Daily Affirmations For Balancing Business and Motherhood for bookkeepers for business owners Dec 11, 2023



We interrupt the usual flow of Profits and Prosecco today to bring you Part 2 of my special series all about daily affirmations!

Today’s series of affirmations are near and dear to my heart. We’re going to go through affirmations for women who are balancing...

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