6 Things Iā€™d Do Differently While Growing My Bookkeeping Business If I Were Starting Over babs for bookkeepers libby Aug 14, 2023



Today, we're going to be talking about regrets.

Just kidding. They're not really regrets, but I do want to talk about some of the things that I would do differently if I was starting my bookkeeping business over.

If you could wave a magic wand and bring me back, these are...

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5 Pendulum Swings You Can Expect When Starting a Bookkeeping Business for bookkeepers libby Aug 07, 2023



Today, I want to go over the five most common pendulum swings you’ll experience while starting a bookkeeping business.

This is one of the concepts that we talk about repeatedly inside of my program Life by the Books, as we often get to witness that concept in action...

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The Ultimate To-Do List For Starting a Bookkeeping Biz babs for bookkeepers libby Jul 31, 2023



In today's post, I'm going to talk about the nineteen things that you need when starting a bookkeeping business.

If you want a really deep dive into this concept, you’ll want to check out my Six Secrets episodes on the podcast, or the associated posts here. But in...

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A Behind-The-Scenes Peek At My Summer Vacation for bookkeepers libby Jul 24, 2023



Here at Profits + Prosecco, we're about halfway through our summer vacation.

I know everybody has a slightly different summer schedule. My kids’ summer vacation is ten weeks long, and we're five weeks through it. It’s crazy to think that in five weeks,...

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The Toxic Loop of Doing It All Yourself for bookkeepers libby Jul 17, 2023



Let’s talk about what happens when you fall prey to the toxic loop of doing it all yourself.

Maybe you’ve found yourself feeling like you need five times the clients that you currently have in order to make the money that you want. But in spite of this, you...

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Learning with LIBBY: A Discussion with Student, Grisell Cano babs coaching testimonials for bookkeepers libby Jul 10, 2023



I have a treat for you all today! Please welcome Grisell Cano, an active member inside my Life By The Books bookkeeping course. We’re going to go over her bookkeeping journey, from what life was like before, during, and after the Life By The Books bookkeeping...

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Xero Roadshow Giveaway! for bookkeepers Jun 26, 2023



Okay, friends. Today, we're talking about Xero roadshows!

I'm so excited that things are finally starting to pick back up in person again. Xero has announced that they're doing roadshows again this year, and I'm going to be talking about what that is, what my involvement...

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Day 4 of the 6 Secrets: Building a Business That Actually Supports Your Life babs for bookkeepers libby podcast Jun 19, 2023



Welcome back to the Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business. Today, instead of showcasing Become A Bookkeeper, we're going to be showcasing Life By The Books.

Life By The Books focuses on building a business that actually supports your life, so...

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Day 3 - Are You Really Ready to Become a Bookkeeper? - An Honest Discussion About Imposter Syndrome podcast Jun 12, 2023



Welcome back to the Six Secrets to Starting a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business. Today’s topic is…are you really ready to become a bookkeeper?

Today we will consider six critical questions to help you determine if you're ready to become a bookkeeper, and...

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Day 2 - Quitters Club Panel: How They Built Their Bookkeeping Biz podcast Jun 05, 2023



Welcome to the Quitter's Club panel! Today, we'll be hearing from a panel of bookkeepers who have successfully and sustainably grown their businesses to the point where it is now their main source of income. The purpose of this panel is to hear their...

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The 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Biz podcast May 29, 2023



My programs BABs (Become a Bookkeeper) and LIBBY (Life by the Books) are both here to help you build a simple, scalable, successful bookkeeping business.

Become a Bookkeeper teaches the technical skill of bookkeeping and gives you the confidence you need to actually start...

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The In-Depth Story of Quitting My Job: An Interview with Blair Lee podcast May 22, 2023



This week, I had the privilege of being interviewed by the amazing Blair Lee! We talked all about the in-depth story of my escape from corporate, how motherhood and corporate life could never have mixed for me, and so much more. Let’s dive straight in!


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Ish People Say About LIBBY podcast May 15, 2023



So. Last time, we talked about BABs, and how it will fill in your knowledge gaps, teach you the skill of bookkeeping, and give you the confidence to start your own bookkeeping business…but what happens after?

Well, that’s where LIBBY comes in!


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What People Are Saying About BABs (Become a Bookkeeper) podcast May 08, 2023



I’ve been talking a lot about Become a Bookkeeper (BABs) lately…so why don’t we hear about it from some people who have gone through it? Here’s what people are saying about BABs:



A Cheat Sheet

“Even just seeing how...

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The Missing Piece Part III: How Become a Bookkeeper Will Help You Defeat Imposter Syndrome podcast May 01, 2023



Welcome to the third and final piece of my mini-series, The Missing Piece! In this series, I’m going over what happens when you’re missing pieces of bookkeeping knowledge and experience, and how my program Become a Bookkeeper (BABs) helps fill in those gaps!


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The Missing Piece Part II: How to See The Whole Picture Before You Become a Bookkeeper podcast Apr 24, 2023



Today, we're going to cover the second part of my three-part mini-series, The Missing Piece! 

In this series, I’m breaking down the three different phases in my program Become a Bookkeeper. This program teaches the technical skill of bookkeeping from the ground...

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The Missing Piece Part I: What You Need to Know Before You Become a Bookkeeper podcast Apr 17, 2023



Welcome to Part I of my mini-series The Missing Piece, where I’ll be talking all about what happens if you’re missing any of the core basics of bookkeeping. 

Lately, I’ve been focusing a lot on my program Become a Bookkeeper, which is a self-paced...

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Why a Bookkeeping Certification Isnā€™t Enough podcast Apr 10, 2023



Today, I want to talk about why a bookkeeping certification is not enough to actually prepare you to become a bookkeeper and start your bookkeeping business. 

A common question that I get asked is, “Should I be certified in QuickBooks Online or Xero?” And...

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5 Things to Look For When Choosing the Best Bookkeeping Course For You podcast Apr 03, 2023



Today, we're going to be talking about what to look for when you're shopping around for the best bookkeeping course for you. 

This was actually something that I put on my Instagram feed (with a really great caption, if I do say so myself), but I wanted to deepen what...

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Connecting with New Clients: A Story of Serendipity with Natalia Otalora podcast Mar 27, 2023



I’m so excited to have my second bookkeeping client ever, Natalia Otalora, here today!

When I started my podcast and blog, the intention was not for it to focus solely on bookkeeping, which is basically where it is today. Instead, I wanted to tell the stories of my...

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Investing in Cybersecurity as a Bookkeeper: A Discussion with Brent Panell, CEO of ControlAltProtect podcast Mar 20, 2023



Hi, everyone! Recently, I’ve been getting more and more questions about investing in cybersecurity as a bookkeeper. I’m not an expert on this, so I wanted to let someone who knows what they’re doing answer some of your questions. Please welcome Brent...

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A Hard Convo On Competence And Capacity - When You Need To Say No podcast Mar 13, 2023



Sometimes, in order to do ethical bookkeeping work, you have to turn down a client…even if you have the capability to tackle their books.

This is a tough topic to discuss, but it’s one of the most important facets of ethical bookkeeping out there, and I came...

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Learning to Juggle: Balancing Work and Motherhood podcast Mar 05, 2023



We’re back for another interview with a BABs graduate and LIBBY member this week! Please welcome Cara Martinez, who actually just gave notice at her job recently. She has not yet submitted her Prosecco bottle, but will be a welcome member of the Quitter's Club...

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Navigating the In-Between: Samanthaā€™s Quitting Story podcast Feb 26, 2023



I’m so excited to have Samantha Myres on today to share the long story of how she started her bookkeeping business! She is a BABs grad, an active member of Life by the Books, and a recent member of the Quitter's Club. If you listen to my podcast, you’ve...

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